Most people are familiar with a game called, Minesweeper. Always click depends on their calculation, intuition and luck on each box. Wrong click, poff.. Game over.
Well, it's not just a game, but in reality, it does exist before the game was created.
The famous minesweeper is the Mine Detector (Polish) Mark I. This mine detector was develop during World War
II in order to detect land mines.
In the late 1941 to early 1942, Lieutenant Jรณzef Stanislaw Kosacki devised a final project, based partially on the earlier device (which might not be a good detector). His discovery was not patented and instead, he gave it as a gift to the British Army.
In return, the King, gave him a "thank you" letter for his actions. As time passes, many of the mine detector has improved and trying to perfect it in many different countries as well.

The MINEX 4.600 Metal / Mine Detector, designed from Foerster group in Germany, is one of the improved detectors. This mine and unexploded ordnance (UXO) detection systems can be use for EOD units of the Armed Forced and non-governmental civilian and humanitarian organisations.
The MINEX 4.600 Metal / Mine Detector was considered a brand new handheld metal / mine - detector based on superior two frequency continuous wave technology. These dual frequency method is that one from the transmission coil and the other from the differential receiver coil. Though it is a high detection sensitivity for all metals, there also can be false positive for mine detection. If those mines are not made of metal which is rare, it would be a crisis for the operator to detect that particular mine.
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